Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wells and Young's Double Chocolate Stout

There's nothing better than family.  Unless that family has beer, and especially if they share with you.
This one in particular was a gift.  A delicious, refreshing gift.

Chocolate isn't just for breakfast anymore, now it's in beer.  Wells and Youngs Brewing Co. brings us their Double Chocolate Stout from Bedford, England.  It is impressively dark, pretty much opaque.  It is the perfect combination of dark chocolate and a dark beer. 

The Double Chocolate Stout  is not overly sweet, and complemented by its thick, rich, foamy head.  It's very smooth and creamy and honestly as drinkable and enjoyable as a chocolate milkshake.  I also enjoy its pleasant aroma of chocolate and the roasty, coffee aftertaste. 

"Chocolate malt & real dark chocolate are combined with Young's award-winning rich dark ale to craft a satisfyingly indulgent, but never overly sweet experience.  Pure Luxury." - myth confirmed.

It has an ever relaxing enjoyable taste to help you clear your mind.  It's cheaper than seeing a shrink, and you don't need an appointment.

Indulge in the most luxurious beer I have ever tasted. 

Stay thirsty,

1 comment:

  1. Never did I think that I would be the supplier for one of your college vices. So glad you enjoyed the Double Chocolate Stout!

    "The Family"
