Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter Hook #27--Red Hook

I sit on my front porch on this cool November evening as cigar smoke wafts through the air. A beer is necessary to complete this fine eve; but what ale should tease my taste buds? Tonight it is Red Hook's Winter Hook #27. Each delicious sip has a fruity, apple aroma and a bitter, hop after taste that seems to linger as long as the leftover Thanksgiving turkey in the fridge.

Red Hook brews' bottles are stubbed and round, completing their image as a beer not to be reckoned with. This seasonal drink is fit for any steak and potato dinner; or leftover turkey, whatever your lot may be--but no doubt this is a beer that is meant to be drank while eating meat. If not with dinner, enjoy this winter delight on the porch, right before it starts to snow; perhaps with a cigar.

Stay Classy,
-Captain Z

PS check out Red Hook's info on this seasonal ale:

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