Sunday, December 11, 2011


Looking for an affordable beer that doesn't taste like water? Molson XXX is one of my favorite beers yet.  It has an orange/amber color, and bitter sweet flavor. The higher carbonation, and almost hoppy/whiskey after-taste makes it not necessarily for everyone.  The bottle makes it look like poison, but its contents taste like angel kisses.

With 7.3% ABV and roughly $11 for a 12-pack, you get a "super premium" beer for a very reasonable price.  It's imported from Canada, and seems to be the one thing they got right, especially after they cursed the world with Justin Bieber.  XXX goes good with most man-food and makes my mid-afternoon Taco Bell seem as enjoyable as a late-night Chipotle.  Try it.

Stay thirsty,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dragon's Milk--New Holland Brewing Company

Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate icy roads than with a Dragon-themed brew. The New Holland Brewing Company brings us Dragon's Milk, a very dark, basically opaque ale. I've been eyeing this up for months in the store and just recently talked myself into buying it. It has a malty, fairly sweet taste, almost like a rum candy. They describe it as a "roasty malt character intermingled with deep vanilla tones, all dancing in an oak bath." It is somewhat like a rich, malty, milk stout. Boasting a 10% ABV, you will be soaring like a dragon after a few of these.

Its pairings are said to be: red meat, smoked foods, balsamic, rich cheese, and dark chocolate. So naturally I chose to enjoy mine with some Chipotle. The only real downside to this is that it is incredibly expensive, running roughly $4 per bottle. However, milking a dragon is understandably a dangerous job, and the high price comes with the risk.

As far as taste goes I am not disappointed, but I do not see myself paying $16 again for a 4-pack any time soon. I slayed the dragon, not with a sword, but through my appetite for a premium ale, being only disappointed in the price. Ask for this as a Christmas present, or gift it to a friend.  It's a great special-occasion drink, but too pricy to enjoy on a regular basis.

Stay thirsty,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter Hook #27--Red Hook

I sit on my front porch on this cool November evening as cigar smoke wafts through the air. A beer is necessary to complete this fine eve; but what ale should tease my taste buds? Tonight it is Red Hook's Winter Hook #27. Each delicious sip has a fruity, apple aroma and a bitter, hop after taste that seems to linger as long as the leftover Thanksgiving turkey in the fridge.

Red Hook brews' bottles are stubbed and round, completing their image as a beer not to be reckoned with. This seasonal drink is fit for any steak and potato dinner; or leftover turkey, whatever your lot may be--but no doubt this is a beer that is meant to be drank while eating meat. If not with dinner, enjoy this winter delight on the porch, right before it starts to snow; perhaps with a cigar.

Stay Classy,
-Captain Z

PS check out Red Hook's info on this seasonal ale:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Festive Ale--Dundee Ales and Lagers

My roommate has been a long-standing Dundee fan and just brought home a 6-pack of the company's seasonal "Festive Ale." He has always talked about Dundee as being on his favorite breweries, and it was time that I took the plunge and decided for myself as to whether or not I should trust his judgement.

This Festive Ale type is essentially a winter-style beer with plenty of spicy taste, as can be expected from its reddish-brown hue. The beer would suit anyone with even a slight taste for darker style beers, even if they don't dabble in them often. If I had to compare the taste with readily available styles, I would put the Festive Ale between an Oktoberfest and a Belgian White. The spicy flavor is immediately felt, with the orange flavor hitting your taste buds shortly thereafter.

Festive Ale is available in November and December, most likely where other beer is sold.

Would I suggest it to others? Absolutely. Have I developed trust in the word of my roommate? I don't know yet. He says he is engaged, but watches HGTV on a regular basis. Suspect....

Signing off-


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stranger--Left Hand Brewing Company

12 fl. oz. ago, I did not know the Stranger.  I may not be left-handed, but I can relate to this beer in the sense that I am both pale and American.  This American Pale Ale's flavor was hoppy and almost had a watery, cabbagy taste.  Appropriately named "Stranger," it was forgettable, and with a 5.0% ABV, I would have to drink two to even remember it. Considering its taste, however, that is unlikely.

Its refreshing, light amber color was my favorite part. But all in all I have high hopes for my future experiences with Left Hand Brewing Company and readers can expect a review of their Milk Stout soon from one of my Brews Brothers.

Stay thirsty,

Monday, November 21, 2011

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The Brews Brothers

Welcome to The Beer Review!

Smart, witty, informational--also known as The Beer Review. We are four guys who will be posting our reviews, comparisons and opinions about different beers that are available. Keep an eye out as our reviews will be coming up soon.

The Brews Brothers