Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oberon - Bell's Brewery, Inc.

We recently had a brief change in weather here in Northeastern Ohio, giving us just a taste of summer.  But thanks to our bipolar weather, who knows how long it will be until it officially feels like summer. 

That means it's getting to be summer ale season.  Bell's Brewery brings us their Oberon Ale, "an American wheat ale with the color and scent of a summer afternoon."

You cannot judge a beer by its bottle.  Oberon may look like it was designed for hippies, but the taste is worth the seasonal wait.   

It has a refreshing citrus-like smell that is complemented by its perfectly balanced taste.  There is nothing particularly overpowering about this beer, making it a very refreshing, enjoyable summer ale.  The cloudy orange color comes from being a wheat beer, so don't let that alarm you.

Definitely try this one.  Preferably when it is warm outside.  Consuming this summer ale before official summer weather arrives may put your body in a state of confusion.  It has been scientifically proven that the typical human body, like most other bodies, can tell when it is warm or cold outside.  Your body naturally sync's with the Earth as it changes seasons, much like your phone syncs to other electronic devices via Bluetooth.  The Earth sends signals to your season-receptors, causing very specific chemical reactions involving hormones and such. 

This process starts at the time of puberty.  Before puberty, you most likely enjoyed playing in the snow as a child.  But post-puberty, as an adult, your body develops a hatred for shoveling snow and causes seasonal grumpiness.  Enjoying a summertime drink in non-summertime weather can be dangerous, sending false signals to your season-receptors.  It's like brewing coffee using Red Bull instead of water.  Yeah you might want to see what would happen, but you don't do it because you are a responsible adult.

I tried Oberon one brief summer-feeling weekend.  It wasn't really summer yet, leading to lasting, confusing effects.  The next day I shoveled the driveway in a winter jacket when it was 80°F outside. 

I am not a weather doctor, nor a human-alcohol-consumption doctor, but you can trust my professional opinion in the sense that this is best enjoyed under the sun.

Drink responsibly and stay thirsty,

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