Monday, April 16, 2012

Henry’s Helles Bock—Front Street Brewery

Located in Wilmington, North Carolina; Front Street Brewery is an awesome little microbrewery and restaurant with some excellent beer. It has been about a year since I have been there, but my brew-loving father was kind enough to bring me a growler after his recent trip.
I wish I could have gotten a better picture of this beer. For some reason, we couldn't get a good shot of it in the beer studio--just not a photogenic beer I suppose. It doesn’t pour much of a head, but right after you pour, hold it up to the light and see the bubbles swirl to the top like liquid gold; it’s pretty cool.
Flavor-wise, this was one of the most unique beers I have tried in a while. The amber-gold color fools you into thinking you are about to have a regular German lager. The scent is the first sign you are in for something special, the Pilsner malt being pronounced.  Take a sip and you are hit with German hops, light carbonation and a flowery, clean finish. After two rounds you get hit with the other plus of this beer, it’s 7.4 ABV!    
Moral of the story, if you are near Wilmington, check out this microbrewery, grab a pint or two or three of Henry Helles Bock. Tell them the Brews Brothers sent you and ask for the discount. While they currently do not offer a Brews Brothers discount, maybe you’ll get a waitress who doesn’t know any better.  
Stay Classy,
-Captain Z                                                                                   

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