Thursday, December 27, 2012

Victory Brewing Company - V 12

V 12—Per the bottle it is liquid luxury, my lips agree. This beer is recommended to be aged for up to 5 years, but I couldn’t wait that long. My particular beer was bottled on August 10th, 2012, the day before I got married oddly enough.

It should be noted that V 12 comes in a 750ml bottle, the same as your standard bottle of wine. Also, coming in at 12 abv, drinking a bottle of this really is like drinking a bottle of wine. Beer drinkers often consume pint after pint of beer, creating a mental perspective that beer should be consumed in larger quantities. Change your state of mind for V 12. Pour it into a smaller glass, admire the amber color and rich aroma of fruit and nuts. Sip it. Enjoy the many subtle flavors this beer has to offer, see if you can taste the cherry, fig and clove undertones and enjoy the sweet, dessert quality the beer has to offer.

Don’t pour it in a big glass and gulp it all down (in all fairness, this is what I did) or you will find yourself falling asleep 10 minutes later when the 12 abv hits you (also, what happened to me). Learn from my mistake, enjoy this beer slowly, and share it with a friend!

Also, I love that this comes in a corked bottle like champagne. Just don’t take an eye out when you open it.

Stay Classy!

-Captain Z

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