Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Besides the leaves changing and perfectly cool temperatures, Oktoberfest beer is without a doubt one of the best things about fall. Perhaps it’s my German heritage, but something about a perfectly balanced Oktoberfest beer just makes me giddy.

This Yuengling seasonal does not disappoint! It starts out slightly sweet, and finishes with bready warmth that lingers to a refreshing hop aftertaste. The carbonation compliments the flavors perfectly to fill your mouth with German happiness. Pair this Oktoberfest with the wiener schnitzel of your choice and find yourself back in the Deutsches Reich.

While I can’t comment on the smell of this beer, because along with Oktoberfest, the fall brings my allergies, I have a feeling that it probably smells like Germany in October. .

Wenn du glücklich bist, trinken Bier. Prost!

-Captain Z

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumking - Southern Tier Brewing Company


It's Fall, the season of Halloween and pumpkin flavored everything.
Aside from being one of Southern Tier's best beers (and all their beers are quality), Pumking most likely one of the best pumpkin beers on the market.  It tastes like spiced, cinnamon, pumpkin pie.  Simply delicious.  It would pair nicely with Thanksgiving dinner, or even stand alone as a dessert.  It is that good.

I was so excited to find it at my favorite beer store (Save-On) that I splurged and got the $3.99 Southern Tier Pumking glass.  It says Southern Tier on the other side so yes, I can use it year-round.

This imperial pumpkin ale doesn't mess around, having an 8.6% ABV and plenty to smell and taste.  Its rich, cloudy, dark orange color even looks delicious.  The only real downside is it's kind of pricey.  Well, coming from someone on a poor man's budget, it's kind of pricey.  I could only find the 22oz bottles which were $8.99 each, otherwise I would have easily grabbed a 6-pack of these.  It's well worth trying at least once while it's in season.

My only advice is when you finally buy this beer (and I know you will), do not share.  Christmas is the season of giving.  So trust me when I say you can wait a couple months to be generous.  I bought two of these 22oz bottles when I went, and gave one to my brother.  I drank the Pumking from this picture yesterday, and I can honestly say I have never wanted another pumpkin beer more in my life than right now.  But I don't have another one because I had to be Mr. Philanthropist two months early.

Try this beer; heed my warning; great minds drink alike.
Long Live The King.

Always Thirsty,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Corona Light

This beer is controversial, at least to me. As a lover of craft beer, I am not supposed to like it. I am supposed to think it’s crappy, pee water, undrinkable garbage. But, I don’t think those things.

Why should I hate this beer:

It’s a light beer, which is, in general, frowned upon. I mean, a real man (or lady) who cares about their beer isn’t worried about calories right? Be a man! Drink something with flavor, not this beer that is bland, with no notable characteristics. Plus it’s mass produced and marketed from one of the big beer companies, not crafted in a special batch from some small town brewery with a creative name and label. Plus it’s relatively cheap, if a beer is going to be perceived as good, you better not be able to get a 12 pack for less than 15.99, and Corona Light is like 11.99.

Why I don’t hate this beer:

I don’t always want a beer that is going to bash me over the head with hops or be so sickly malty sweet that it takes me an hour to gulp down. Corona light is pretty refreshing when the weather is hot, and at 99 calories I can drink a few without feeling guilty. Which, let’s be honest, there is a reason that flabby sack hanging off the abdominal region is called a BEER belly. Plus, throw a lime in a Corona Light and you are basically getting a serving of fruit, right?

Well, the weather is cooling down, so I am going to be drinking Oktoberfest beers; but when next summer rolls around again and it’s 91 degrees you’ll be looking for a refreshment. What will you do?

Stay Classy,

-Captain Z