Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Leffe Blonde--Abbaye de Leffe S.A.--Belgium

Leffe Blond is a Belgian Pale Ale, coming to us from the Abbaye de Leffe S.A. in Belgium.
It is slightly above average with a 6.6% ABV.  That and the bright, golden color are great, and not much else.

We have always had on our blog, "The Beer Review.  Providing beer reviews, one sip at a time."
With its dynamic taste, Leffe Blond actually needs to be reviewed with a similar approach.

First sip:  Wow, nice.  This is something different.

Sips 2-4:  Not bad.

Sips 5-9:  This is definitely something different..

Sips 10-end of bottle:  I have 5 more bottles of this..??

I would describe the taste as somewhat fruity, thin, and unique.  It also has a refreshing smell.  That may sound strange but it does smell better than it tastes.  Honestly, the first half of the bottle was enjoyable, and I am glad I tried it.

"Deliciously soft and subtle." Agreed, for the first couple sips.  The end of the bottle is more like "Dreadfully rough and brutal."  Also, by then, I was only concerned with trying not to get the foil from the neck of the bottle caught in my teeth fillings.  It was much easier to drink out of the glass.

"Belgium's classic abbey ale is best served in its own chalice-shaped glass, accentuating the ale's aroma and creating the perfect head."  I have tried this in a chalice-enough shaped glass, and I can safely say it is marginally less disappointing than drinking out of the bottle.

Their website declares that it is an "elegant and refreshing beer, which is especially tasty with a meal or while out on the town with friends."  Wrong.  I have had this beer with and without food, and I can safely say that I would not attempt to drink it in public.

Honestly, I only tried this because my girlfriend is left handed and also blonde.  If you like pale-ale's then you may want to check this out.  Otherwise, there is better out there.

Stay thirsty,

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