Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Railbender Ale--Erie Brewing Company

Erie Brewing Company

 Railbender Ale (AKA the "Train Beer") is a Scottish Ale from Erie Pennsylvania. 

It poured a rich orange/red/amber color.  It had a pleasantly light, earthy, nutty smell.  The head was unique: white, looked thick, but tasted thin.

Choo Choo

This was a solid choice, something a little different.  Railbender Ale has a smooth, crisp taste.  It was like biting into a freshly picked beerfruit.  I would describe it as a nice breakfast beer. 

It's a real beer at 6.8% ABV. 

Be warned, it was pretty carbonated.  I let the train beer sit in my mouth a few seconds and it almost burnt my tongue.  Its taste was enjoyable, but not amazing, and was like a mix between Molson XXX and Leffe Blonde.

Some Scottish Ale pairings are roasted meats, sausages, or Mexican dishes.  I can make peanut butter toast.  So I made peanut butter toast on wheat bread.  It went well with the Railbender Ale's fruity taste. 

Don't seriously have beer for breakfast though.

Stay Thirsty,

1 comment:

  1. The beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad so I had one more for dessert.
