Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beer Gelato--The Sweet Spot

This one isn’t exactly a beer review, but it is close enough. If you are as un-cultured as I am, you probably don’t know what gelato is, so let me break it down for you. Gelato, or gelati is the Italian word for ice cream (thank you Wikipedia). In reality, gelato is not ice cream, it’s fancy ice cream—less creamy, more sweet and icy, but still delicious. You may be wondering, other than the fact that gelato is a tasty treat, why are you reading about it on a beer blog? Well, because you can get it beer flavored.

In Lakewood, Ohio The Sweet Spot offers a range of different gelati, all made with ingredients that would make an organic loving hippie drop their peace flag and hop in the VW bus to get some gelato. Not to mention the vegan sorbets for those who don’t appreciate a good animal by-product. Personally, I didn’t care about all that and was on a mission to sample the beer flavored varieties.

The Sweet Spot is always changing their flavors, so you don’t know what you will find when you get there. Thankfully, I was able to get a double scoop of their Beeramisu and Cheesecake IPA. From what I understand they also have a lager-based gelato which is supposed to be excellent and a tasty white ale gelato which I was able to sample.

The Beeramisu was excellent, a combination of beer and tiramisu. This gelato was sweet, but subtle with an after taste that lingered of the porter-style beer used in the recipe. The Cheesecake IPA was the most genius combination. Cheesecake is a distinctive dessert flavor, combined with one of the most loved and hated of craft beers, the IPA. The Sweet Spot did a good job of balancing the two extreme flavors, however, I hope they get a liquor license so I can get a scoop of this with a pint of Great Lakes Commodore Perry IPA.

Now to the question you are all wondering, can you get a buzz off of this sweet treat? Probably not, but if you like it as much as I did, you’ll want to eat enough of it to find out. Check out The Sweet Spot.

Stay Classy,

--Captain Z

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Railbender Ale--Erie Brewing Company

Erie Brewing Company

 Railbender Ale (AKA the "Train Beer") is a Scottish Ale from Erie Pennsylvania. 

It poured a rich orange/red/amber color.  It had a pleasantly light, earthy, nutty smell.  The head was unique: white, looked thick, but tasted thin.

Choo Choo

This was a solid choice, something a little different.  Railbender Ale has a smooth, crisp taste.  It was like biting into a freshly picked beerfruit.  I would describe it as a nice breakfast beer. 

It's a real beer at 6.8% ABV. 

Be warned, it was pretty carbonated.  I let the train beer sit in my mouth a few seconds and it almost burnt my tongue.  Its taste was enjoyable, but not amazing, and was like a mix between Molson XXX and Leffe Blonde.

Some Scottish Ale pairings are roasted meats, sausages, or Mexican dishes.  I can make peanut butter toast.  So I made peanut butter toast on wheat bread.  It went well with the Railbender Ale's fruity taste. 

Don't seriously have beer for breakfast though.

Stay Thirsty,